Our People


Welcome from the MPAS Academic Director

As the inaugural Academic Director of the Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS) program at the University of Saskatchewan, I'm excited and energized to work with our team and partners to develop and implement this important training program—the first of its kind in our province. The MPAS program is being launched at a time when the need for change in health care delivery has never been greater in Saskatchewan.

Our program is more than just training skilled health-care professionals; it’s about sparking a transformative shift in how health care is delivered across our province. As the future of the new Physician Assistant workforce in Saskatchewan, our graduates will be equipped to work collaboratively and effectively within health-care teams with the goal of alleviating pressures and improving access and quality of health care. Central to our mission is a commitment to social accountability, where the program goals and outputs align with the health care needs for everyone in Saskatchewan, especially our most underserved and vulnerable populations.

Our inaugural MPAS program offers a robust, engaging, and innovative curriculum that seamlessly integrates knowledge with practical, hands-on clinical experience. We want to empower our learners with the experiences, tools, and technology to be successful, capable, and adaptable practitioners in various clinical environments now and into the future.

If you are considering a career change or establishing a career in health care, please strongly consider the MPAS program as your path to a fulfilling and challenging career. This is a historic moment for health care transformation in Saskatchewan and a tremendous opportunity to be part of the change.

The MPAS team is looking forward to welcoming applicants and our future students with the launch of the program in 2025. We are excited to embark on this important journey together – a journey to improve health care in Saskatchewan.

Trustin Domes MD, MEd, MCPM, FRCSC
Academic Director, Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS) Program
College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan