Research Update

- Submitted by Dr. Josh Lawson, DoM Director of Research.
The Department of Medicine Faculty Research Day will be held on June 9. After last year’s event was cancelled, we are particularly excited to host this online event to hear about several research projects being carried out by Department of Medicine members.

Thanks to the judges and all who attended the PGY1 Resident Research Days on May 18 and 25th. Twenty-three papers were presented to an online audience. Winners will be announced soon.

Research Lunch and Learns wrapped up for the academic year with an extended workshop that included a panel of grant reviewers as well as a session on grant writing focussing on DoM, CoMRAD, RUH  Foundation and SHRF funding program. We are working with IT to create a new DoM Research Sharepoint site where we will post a recorded version of the grant writing workshop for anyone who missed it.  I would like to thank all of the presenters and attendees of the research lunch learns over the past year.

As we move into summer, please remember that there are a number of research grant deadlines approaching in the next few months. We encourage you to start looking ahead to these and planning for future projects. If you would like some assistance with this work, please feel free to contact Dr. Ozlem Sari (

As a reminder, if you wish to start new research activities or restart activities that were previously paused, you may need to submit an application to the University of Saskatchewan’s “Request for campus/field activity or access”. It will then be reviewed by a committee in the College of Medicine from a COVID health and safety perspective. If you are hired by USask or your research project has USask Research Ethics Board approval and you cannot complete the project entirely remotely, you will have to go through this review process. Please email Josh Lawson if you have questions. Remember, because of this approval process, it may take longer to start your research as the approvals may be paused depending on the state of COVID in the province.

As always, if you are looking into research opportunities or would like to speak with someone about moving into research or advancing your program, please contact Dr. Ozlem Sari, the DOM Research Facilitator.

Finally, as we round out our academic year, I would like to thank Ozlem for all her contributions to the Department of Medicine’s research activities.

Best of luck in all of your research activities!