College of Medicine

Dr. Marilyn Baetz was appointed Vice-Dean Faculty Engagement effective November 1, 2019.

She is well known at our college and in the medical community, most recently in her current role as the Provincial Department Head of Psychiatry. She is a USask alumnus who attained all of her post-secondary education and training here at our university. Dr. Baetz has worked at our college for over 20 years. 

She has served as a leader in many other capacities, including Senior Leadership Council for the CoM, the Senior Leadership Team for the Saskatoon Health Region and the Physician Advisory Committee for the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA). As well, she contributed to The Way Forward blueprint on the Dean’s Advisory Committee for the College of Medicine. 

Dr. Baetz’s research interests include mood and anxiety disorders with a special interest in maternal mental health. She was also among the first researchers in Canada to examine the role of spirituality in mental health. Dr. Baetz has been part of the Maternal Mental Health program since its inception in the former Saskatoon Health Region and continues her clinical and academic interests in this area alongside her administrative role.

Executive Assistant
Kristie Tempel-Briske