The Cuddingtons' gift will support medical education in Regina. (Photo: Davis Frerichs)
The Cuddingtons' gift will support medical education in Regina. (Photo: Davis Frerichs)

Giving back is an act of inspiration and celebration

For Dr. Gord Cuddington (MD) and Cathy Cuddington, giving back to their community has never been a question. Now, they’re hoping to inspire others to step up and support vital projects that will benefit everyone in Saskatchewan.  

“It’s our pleasure and honour to be able to do this. It’s an obvious choice for us,” states Cathy Cuddington. 

Cathy and her husband, Dr. Gord Cuddington, have made giving back to the community a habit in their lives. Initially inspired by Gord’s parents and their history of supporting worthwhile causes, Cathy and Gord have been giving back to their community by making choiceful donations for years.

Their most recent contribution will support the renovation and outfitting of the specialized anatomy lab for the College of Medicine – Regina campus. The Regina campus is based almost entirely in Regina General Hospital, making it a one-of-a-kind educational experience for medical students in Canada. Students can learn in the same kind of environment that they will eventually practice in, providing invaluable experience at a critical point in their education.

“We see this gift as giving back as thanks for the career that the College of Medicine gave us—and our daughter, who also graduated from the College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan,” Cuddington says. “It sounds a bit cliche, but for us it’s about making sure this kind of opportunity exists right here in Saskatchewan.”

The Cuddingtons see the Regina Campus as a unique intersection of education, healthcare and community. Supporting the fundraising efforts for the anatomy lab is an opportunity to see the funds in action in a way that will have a very real influence on Saskatchewan healthcare in the long term. 

“Having this centre in Regina has greatly expanded the college. This couldn’t have been done just in Saskatoon. It’s a really great thing to be able to develop this second centre of excellence outside of Saskatoon,” says Cuddington.

In addition to making a good cause possible with their own donation, the Cuddingtons want their history of giving to move others to action.

“We really do want to be an example or an inspiration for other people who have the opportunity to make a contribution and make a difference.”


 Hospitals of Regina Foundation

We are grateful to the Hospitals of Regina Foundation who have partnered with the College of Medicine and generously agreed to match all gifts up to $200,000.00. Contributions from the Cuddington’s and other donors are sincerely appreciated. However, additional support is essential to successfully conclude the Regina expansion project. We invite you to make a meaningful contribution today. Visit to make a difference.