Our scientists are performing cutting-edge research. Help them unlock discoveries and answer challenges the world needs solved.
Make an impact...
An impact during a crisis
Support needed for neurological diseases
Phase 2 trials of life-changing Alzheimer’s treatment
USask researchers are addressing early-stage Alzheimer's with a novel treatment called NeuroEPO. Phase 1 trials showed promising results with a majority of participants who received the treatment experiencing an increase in cognitive stabilization and function.
Now the team is preparing for Phase 2 clinical trials by selecting patients and securing funding, but more support is still needed.
Our students need your support now more than ever. The pandemic has changed the landscape of learning and our students are the most vulnerable. We urge you to consider making a donation to our student support fund.
An impact on illness
Research advances in public health and health care has resulted in increased life expectancy leading to dramatic changes in the way chronic disease is prevented, detected or managed. Despite our success more needs to be done to further reduce the effects on our life.
Unlocking mental health
The Neural Health Project’s whole person approach provides keys to unlocking better mental health. The development of the project came from the need to make a difference in the lives of patients and their families touched by mental illness.
Using an Integrative Medical approach to mental illness, this method takes into account the whole person (body, mind, spirit and community), including all aspects of lifestyle.
Led by Drs. Anne Leis and Shirley (DeeDee) Maltman (MD’85), the project is a collaboration between members of the Centre for Integrative Medicine, the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, and the Neuroscience Research Cluster.
An impact on community
Research Chairs play a vital role in enhancing the College of Medicine's research missions and improving health within our communities. We attract and retain exceptional researchers and clinicians to Saskatchewan through our chair positions.
The College of Medicine Research Chairs aim to achieve research excellence in:
- Neurosurgery
- Emergency Medicine
- Rural Dementia Care
- Infectious Diseases
- Indigenous Health
An impact in memory
In memoriam or “in memory” donations are a wonderful way to honour or remember a loved one who’s passed away, while making an important difference. Support research related to a cause close to you. If you have a specific area of giving in mind, but don't see it listed here, contact us. We will work with you to direct your gift to an area that supports research of your choice.
Every second counts...
Bruce and Chris Gordon
Bruce Gordon was a Saskatoon-based competitive athlete and police officer. He was an inspiration to many people through his sport and community activities. In his memory, the Gordon family has established a fund to support pancreatic cancer research, ancreatic cancer detection, and research for pancreatic cancer treatment at the College of Medicine.
Through the local #BeLikeBruce Fitness Festival and triathlon, along with other local initiatives, more than $15,000 has been donated to pancreatic cancer research.
Contact Us
Main Office
College of Medicine
Box 19, 4A20 Health Sciences Building
107 Wiggins Road
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E5