Procedures and Guidelines

Examination Regulations

Categories: SRS evaluation examination exams Physical Therapy

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Examination Regulations

Category:                   Academic Affairs
Responsibility:            Academic Affairs Committee
Authorization:            Academic Affairs Committee
Important Links:

Approval Date:           October 4, 2024
Previous:                   August 2019


Designate for Director is Program Chair or equivalent


In concurrence with the Mission, Vision and Values Statement of the university, “The University of Saskatchewan community believes in the following principles: openness, transparency, and accountability”, and is “Committed to acting in accordance with the following values: Integrity, honestly and ethical behavior”. The School of Rehabilitation Science emulates the following guidelines and complies with the University of Saskatchewan Council and Senate on Student Appeals in Academic Matters and Student Appeals in Non-Academic Matters and Student Academic Dishonesty Rules.

Framework for Evaluation – All regulations covering student evaluation and examinations should be developed in a framework with three levels of authority and responsibility: University of Saskatchewan, College (College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies), and Department (School of Rehabilitation Science). Thus, any specific regulations of the School of Rehabilitation Science related to evaluation and examinations shall be compatible with and augment the examination regulations of the University and the College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Where needed, the School shall develop and implement examination regulations for specific situations including practical examinations. Evaluation procedures will be developed in a collegial manner and mechanisms are in place to ensure fairness in evaluation by regular review of both procedural and substantive fairness.

Transparency - The School shall provide the examination regulations to students, faculty and others by posting them on the School of Rehabilitation Science Website and Paws channel.

Procedure Summary

Scheduling of Examinations

  1. School of Rehabilitation Science course examinations are usually scheduled internally due to variations in course timetabling.
  2. All students are advised to be available up to and including the last day scheduled for final examinations. The dates set for final examinations in the School will be posted on the School of Rehabilitation Science Paws channel.
  3. All final examinations must be scheduled during the final examination period, unless approved by the Director or designate. Final examinations may be scheduled on evenings or Saturdays.
  4. Scheduling of assignments, presentations and midterm exams will be communicated to students at the beginning of the course by the course instructor (or course coordinator). If changes to the scheduling of evaluations are necessary due to other exam or assignment conflicts, emergency situations, or resource or room requirement conflicts, students will be consulted and/or notified as soon as possible.
  5. When the final exam schedule has been distributed, instructors should review the room assignment and ensure that all equipment and supplies will be ready for the examination. Any questions or problems should be reported as early as possible to the Program Coordinator or Designate.

Methods of Evaluation

  1. The primary course instructor/ course coordinator is responsible for all aspects of the evaluation of students in their course. Evaluation may be delegated to teaching assistants or other faculty members under the supervision of the primary instructor /course coordinator.
  2. A final written examination will be given in each course unless approval for exemption has been formally granted through the required process specified by the University. Certain courses (including all clinical education courses) which require alternative forms of evaluation have received approval for exemption.

Units of Measurement


  1. Subject to the following provisions, the relative weighting assigned to term work, such as projects or laboratory work, and mid-term and final examinations is at the discretion of the course instructor. Note that the primary instructor/ course coordinator must clearly identify in the course outline which components of the course are mandatory i.e., must be passed at a defined standard or grade to pass the course as well as achieving an overall pass grade. For example, if a defined standard is important in a practical examination due to safety or other issues related to clinical performance, this should be stipulated in each course outline.

    1. Final examinations shall not be used to provide 100% of the final grade except in unusual circumstances and then only with the prior approval of the Director or designate
    2. Any single test or assignment excluding the final exam, shall not provide more than 50% of the total grade for a course except in unusual circumstances and then only with the prior approval of the .
  2. Weighting of assignments, presentations, competency checks, and midterm exams will be communicated to students at the beginning of the course. In unusual circumstances, any changes to weighting of evaluations will be made in consultation with the students, with as much notice as possible. General criteria used for evaluating assignments, presentations, competency checks, and written and practical examinations will be communicated to the students before the evaluation.
  3. All faculty, instructors, and course coordinators will follow the University of Saskatchewan, College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies literal grading descriptors for evaluating performance as outlined in the University Regulations; except for courses which have been previously granted approval as Pass/Fail courses and clinical evaluations, which follow alternative criteria. The percentage grading system will be used for reporting final grades.

(Note: Not all courses are graded but the pass mark for SRS courses that are graded is 60%.)

Reporting, Recording and Issuing Evaluation Results and Grades

  1. Normally, marked written examinations will not be distributed to the students to maintain the confidentiality of question banks. At the discretion of the instructor, students may be allowed to review the written examination and appraisal with the instructor.
  2. Reporting of final grades must be performed following the University of Saskatchewan Regulations; all final grades are approved by the Director or designate before submission to the Registrar. Unofficial final grades may be posted/released provided it is done in a way that ensures confidentiality.
  3. Instructors must submit final grades for the course to the Academic Program Assistant for input on PAWS no more than 5 business days following the completion of the final written (and or practical) examination for a course. (Note. Saturday, Sunday and Statutory holidays are NOT considered “business days”.)

Deferred Exams and Supplemental Exams

Deferred Exams

Definition: A deferred written or practical examination is one that has been rescheduled to another date due to illness, compassionate or other valid reasons such that the student is unable to write the examination at the scheduled time. The deferred exam shall be accorded the same weight as the regular examination in the calculation of the student's final grade.

Request for a deferred scheduled midterm or final exam (written or practical):

  1. Unexpected situations- A student who is unable to complete an exam due to illness, compassionate or other valid reason* must inform the course instructor/ coordinator and Director or designate in writing as soon as possible. The student must also submit signed Declaration of Absence and forms within 3 business days of the missed exam. Scheduling for the deferred exam will be done in consultation with the instructor/ course coordinator.
  2. Planned/ anticipated situations- A student may make a request to the Director or designate** for a special deferred exam; however, these will only be approved in extenuating and rare circumstances. A written request must be submitted at least 5 business days prior to the exam, but with as much advanced notice as possible. Requests for deferred exams will be evaluated on an individual basis by the Director or designate. If approved, signed Declaration of Absence and Declaration of Secrecy forms must be submitted upon request. Scheduling for the deferred exam will be done in consultation with the instructor/course coordinator.

*Valid reasons may include:

  • Family Emergency: If there's a sudden illness, injury, or another emergency involving a family member that requires your immediate attention and support.
  • Personal Illness or Injury: If you're dealing with a serious illness or injury that significantly impairs your ability to take the exam.
  • Bereavement: If you've experienced the loss of a loved one recently and need time to grieve and attend to related matters.
  • Other Unexpected Circumstances: Will be evaluated individually.

Supplemental Examinations

Definition: Supplemental examinations are a limited substitute for an examination (written, practical/oral or other). Supplemental examinations are not automatically granted and provide a second opportunity for a student to pass a course or a mandatory component of a course that was previously failed.

Supplemental examinations are normally only considered for final examinations or other mandatory components of a course. consideration for non-mandatory components will be made at the discretion of the instructor.

Specific cases and procedures

  1. In the case where a student has failed a final exam or mandatory component of a course within 5% of a passing grade, there will be an automatic reread triggered. The rereading will be completed by an independent examiner familiar with the course. The independent examiner will apply the same rubric as the original examiner. If the reread results in a passing grade, there will be a discussion between the course coordinator and the Academic Affairs committee. This may result in the original grade remaining or an adjustment to the grade. If the adjusted grade does not meet the minimum requirements to pass, then the typical processes will be followed (see b-e below). If the adjusted grade is passing, the student will be notified, and no further action will be required.
  2. In the case where a student has achieved a passing grade for the course but has failed to meet the requirements for passing a final examination (written, practical/oral or other) or other mandatory component of the course as defined in the course outline, a supplemental examination may be granted by the Academic Affairs Committee. The student will make a request (in writing) for a supplemental of the specific examination The Academic Affairs Committee will review the student’s academic standing as outlined in the Academic Expectations, Academic Advancement and Promotion policy and make recommendations that may include: a supplemental for the examination failed, a period of remediation followed by a supplemental, or no approval for a supplemental examination.
  3. The same steps outlined in b. above would pertain to the case where a student has not achieved a passing grade in the course and has failed to meet the requirements for passing a final examination (written, practical/oral or other) or other mandatory component as defined in the course outline. d. If the student passes the final examination but does not achieve a passing grade for the course, the same process as outlined in b. will be followed, the nature of the supplemental if granted will be determined by the instructor/ course coordinator in consultation with the Director or designate.
  4. If permission for a supplemental examination is granted, the course instructor in consultation with the Director or designate and/or Academic Affairs Committee will determine the nature of remediation required (if any). A supplemental examination in a course which has a considerable practical or applied component must normally be preceded by a period of remedial study. If it is deemed that a long period of remediation is not needed and/or logistical concerns are present (e.g., complex practical exams involving multiple examiners and stations), supplemental practical examinations may be held within 5-7 business days. If this period includes a time when the University is closed, the supplemental examination will take place as soon as possible after the University opens.
  5. The maximum mark that can be achieved in a supplemental examination (written or practical) for an individual course or final examination failure is 60%.
  6. If a supplemental exam is failed, this will be treated as two instances of unsatisfactory academic performance in the same academic module as described in the Academic Expectations, Academic Advancement and Promotion policy.

Invigilation of Exams

Invigilation Policy

Student Appeals

  1. Any dispute regarding a grade should initially be discussed with the instructor and an attempt made to resolve the dispute.
  2. When there is dispute regarding a grade that cannot be resolved informally, the student may request a reread of their exam through Academic Affairs.
  3. If a reread does not resolve the dispute, students and faculty will follow the guidelines as set out in USask and CGPS Documents:


Director or designate School of Rehabilitation Science