Foreign Trained Physical Therapists in Master of Physical Therapy Courses
Categories: foreign trained international licensure Physical Therapy
Within constraints of our resources, the School of Rehabilitation Science will assist foreign trained PTs obtain qualifications for licensure in Canada.
To obtain licensure to practice physical therapy in Canada, physical therapists trained in foreign countries must undergo credentialing through the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (the Alliance). The Alliance completes a Prior Learning Assessment and identifies areas where further education or learning is necessary to bring the candidate up to the required level. Candidates are given a deadline for completion of the requirements set by the Alliance.
Each year, a few individuals have contacted us asking to take courses to complete the requirements determined in the Prior Learning Assessment carried out by the Alliance. The Academic Affairs Committee of the School of Rehabilitation Science has considered such requests and is in favor of allowing the foreign PT to take MPT courses. (The University allows non- degree students to take Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) courses.)
1. Review of the Prior Learning Assessment
The Chair of Executive of Curriculum will review the Prior Learning Assessment document to determine if we offer suitable courses as needed (e.g., requests for advice about areas of deficit not previously considered). The candidate is responsible for all communication with the Alliance. No guarantees will be made that the courses will be accepted by the Alliance. Depending on the complexity of the request, the review process may take approximately four to six weeks to complete.
2. Language Competency
Prior to acceptance, the candidate will need to provide evidence that they are fluent in English (written and oral).
3. Approval and Registration
- School of Rehabilitation Science: The candidate must contact the Director who will oversee that process. Permission to enroll in a course is contingent on resource constraints (e.g., space[1], equipment), the approval of the instructor, and other factors as assessed by the Director[2] in consultation with Program Planning and Resource Advisory Committee.
- College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies: To take one or more graduate courses for credit without being admitted to a graduate program here, students will need to complete the online form GSR 105: Application for Non-degree Admission found on the CGPS website: the form then needs to be approved and signed by the Director of the School and submitted to the CGPS with the $75 application fee and their transcripts (unofficial transcript will be accepted for this purpose). Once approved by CGPS, the applicant will be able to register through PAWS.
- Tuition will be assessed by University on a per-credit-unit basis.