Procedures and Guidelines

Bylaws and Regulations for PT Faculty Council

Categories: bylaws faculty council Physical Therapy


These bylaws describe and set forth procedures relating to the governance of the Faculty Council of the School of Rehabilitation Science and are subject to the policies and regulations of the University Council, which establishes the Faculty Council. To the extent that any previous resolution of the Faculty Council or its predecessors or any committee of that Council is inconsistent with this bylaw, this bylaw has precedence.

Part 1

Short Title and Definitions

  1. These Rules and Regulations may be cited as The School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council 2011 Rules, Regulations and Bylaws.
  2. In these Rules and Regulations:
    1. “University” means the University of Saskatchewan;
    2. “College” means the College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan;
    3. “Dean” means the Dean of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan;
    4. “Department” means a department of the College of Medicine;
    5. “School” means the School of Rehabilitation Science;
    6. “Council” means the School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council as established by University Council bylaws, Part Three, Section V.
    7. “University Council” means the Council of the University of Saskatchewan as described in the Act;
    8. “university based faculty member” means a person who is employed on a fulltime or part time basis by the University, or an affiliated or federated college, and who serves as a professor, associate professor, assistant professor, lecturer, full time special lecturer, full time instructor, or librarian;
    9. “clinical faculty member” means a person who is appointed to the clinical faculty of the School in accordance with policies and procedures developed and revised from time to time by the School subject to approval by the College;
    10. “Chair” means the chairperson of the School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council.

Part 2


  1. It is recognized that the School is subject to The University of Saskatchewan Act, 1995 and all rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that are prescribed from time to time by the Board of Governors, Senate and University Council of the University of Saskatchewan with respect to the provision of post-secondary instruction and research in the College of Medicine and the School of Rehabilitation Science.

Part 3


  1. In this section:

    1. “member” means a member of the School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council and;
    2. “student member” means a student registered in the School who has been designated as a representative member of the School of Rehabilitation ScienceFaculty Council.
  2. Membership

    1. Membership is as defined in Part Three, Section V of Council Bylaws.
  3. Chair

    1. The Associate Dean of the School will be the Chair of the Council.
    2. If the Chair is absent or is incapable of acting for any reason, the Director of the School of Rehabilitation Science may exercise the powers and shall perform the duties of the Chair.
  4. Secretary

    1. The secretary, a non-voting member, will be appointed by the Chair and acts as the delegate of the University Secretary under University Council Bylaws Part Three, Section V.1.E.
  5. Elections

    1. The Physical Therapy Students Society will be responsible for electing student members to the Council.
  6. Term of Office

    1. Elected Council members who are students will hold office for a term of one year, normally September to August, and can be reappointed.
    2. Faculty who are on leave will maintain their status as full voting members of Council but will not be counted in establishing quorum.
  7. Vacancies

    1. If a vacancy occurs among student members who are elected to the Council, the Physical Therapy Students Society shall elect another person to fill the vacancy.
    2. A person elected to fill the vacancy of a member, holds office for the remainder of the term of the member who vacated her of his office.

Meetings of the Council

  1. Quorum

    1. The quorum of the Council shall be 35% of the voting members of the Council. In calculating this number, ex officio members identified in 5.1 shall not be counted. In calculating this number, faculty members on leave shall not be counted.
    2. In the event that a properly constituted meeting fails of a quorum, the meeting shall be rescheduled for the same time one week hence. At that meeting, the quorum shall be the number of members attending.
  2. Meetings

    1. Council shall meet at least two times during the academic term (September-June).
    2. Council meetings shall be open except when Council decides to have them closed.
    3. Special meetings of Council can be called by the Chair or by petition of 10% of the membership of Council.
    4. Notice for regular meetings shall be a minimum of 30 days and notice for special meetings shall be a minimum of 7 days.
    5. The meetings of the Council shall be conducted in accordance with the following rules:
      1. Rules of order to be used at meetings of the Council and of all committees of Council shall be those contained in Procedures for Meetings and Organizations, Third Edition by Kerr and King.
      2. Except as hereinafter provided, the powers and duties of the Chair are those expressly or implicitly contained in the rules referred to in 12.5.3, 12.5.4., 12.5.5.
      3. The Chair shall set the agenda for each meeting of the Council and shall present the draft agenda to the meeting for approval.
      4. The Chair shall preside over all meetings of the Council. The Chair’s duty is to preserve order and decorum and, subject to appeal, to decide all questions of order.
      5. The Chair has no vote except when there has been an equality of votes.
    6. The following conflict of interest rules shall apply to members of the Council and members of committees of the Council:
      1. It is necessary to distinguish between the roles of the "representative" members of the Council, on the one hand, and the "at large" and ex officio members, on the other, with respect to their obligations to bring pertinent information to the Council or to committees of the Council and to report back to their constituents. However, there is no distinction with respect to the exercise of judgment and decision-making in Council meetings and in deliberations of a committee of the Council. Members of the Council and members of committees of the Council shall have as their principal concern the welfare of the University community. They shall exercise independent judgment and may not act as agents of any person or organization.
      2. All members of the Council and members of committees of the Council shall conduct themselves so as to avoid conflict of interest or the appearance of conflict of interest.
      3. A conflict of interest exists for a member of the Council or a member of a committee of the Council when a decision being made is such that the member could not reasonably be expected to exercise independent judgment because of the effect the decision would have, or would be likely to have, on the member or a person closely related to or closely associated with the member.
      4. There are no restrictions on the rights of a Council member to participate in debate and to vote on any matter that comes before the Council. However, a Council member who has a conflict of interest with respect to a matter that comes before the Council shall disclose the conflict when speaking on the matter in Council proceedings.
      5. A member of a committee of the Council shall abstain from voting on matters on which he or she has a conflict of interest. When appropriate, the member shall withdraw from all committee deliberations with respect to the matter.
      6. A member of a committee of the Council shall identify and disclose a conflict of interest or a perceived conflict of interest affecting that member.
      7. The Chair or any member of a committee of the Council shall be entitled to raise the question about whether another member has a conflict of interest or perceived conflict of interest on a matter before the committee.
      8. The Chair or any member of a committee of the Council is entitled to ask another member who has or is perceived to have a conflict of interest to withdraw from the deliberations of the committee or to refrain from voting on a matter before the committee.
      9. If a request referred to in 12.6.8. to withdraw from the deliberations of the committee or to refrain from voting on a matter before the committee is denied by the member to whom the request is directed, the fact that the request was made and was denied shall be recorded in that portion of the committee's report relating to the matter.

Part 4

Responsibilities of the Council

  1. Responsibilities of the Council

    The Council is responsible for overseeing and directing the academic affairs of the School as described in the University of Saskatchewan Council Bylaws revised 2010. The major objectives of the council include:

    1. To recommend physical therapy students for graduation.
    2. To monitor physical therapy students progress throughout the program.
    3. To approve major changes to academic programs of the School of Rehabilitation Science.
    4. To review the activities of the standing committees of the School and consider recommendations related to the Physical Therapy academic programs.
  2. Powers of the Council

    1. The Council may:
      1. regulate the conduct of its meetings and proceedings;
      2. establish standing and ad hoc committees that it considers necessary;
      3. delegate any of its powers to any committee of the Council;
      4. review existing and make bylaws governing the election of members of Council;
      5. review existing and make bylaws respecting any matter over which it has responsibility;
      6. review the physical and budgetary plans for the School and make recommendations respecting those matters to the Associate Dean and/or Dean;
      7. make recommendations to the Associate Dean and/or Dean respecting any matters that the Council considers to be in the best interests of the School; and
      8. do any other thing that the Council considers necessary, incidental or conducive to exercising its powers, to promoting the best interests of
      9. the School or to meeting its purposes as set out in these rules and regulations.
    2. The Council shall:
      1. fulfill its obligations as prescribed by the Council of the University of Saskatchewan (refer to the University of Saskatchewan, Council Bylaws);
      2. fulfill its obligations as prescribed by the Board of Governors and the University Senate and will be subject to the provisions of the University Act, 1995 or a revised or succeeding act; and,
      3. establish and maintain standing committees to carry out its mandate.
  3. Minutes

    1. Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded and kept on file in the General Office.
    2. The minutes shall be available to all Council members.
    3. Any information deemed to be confidential in nature (i.e. individual health or personal issues) shall be handled and stored in a secure manner.
    4. Confidential information recorded during meetings shall be kept in the General Office files and location of this information referenced in the minutes.
  4. Reports

    The Chair shall provide reports to the College of Medicine Faculty Council and College of Graduate Studies and Research as required.

  5. Urgent Business between Council Meetings

    In the event that Council is prevented from meeting or from attaining quorum because of an emergency situation, as determined by the Chair of Council or their designate, and if a motion of an urgent nature must be considered by Council, then the Chair or the Chair’s designate may call for a vote on the matter through alternative means, using procedures approved by the Council (refer to School of PT Procedures for Council – Urgent Business between Council meetings – August 2011).

Part 5

Standing Committees of Council

  1. General Rules

    1. The following general rules will apply to all Standing Committees of Council:
      1. Unless otherwise specified, membership on a standing committee shall normally be for a two or three year term for faculty members, and a one or two year term for students. Faculty and student members may be reappointed.
      2. The Director will normally recommend faculty members for appointment to standing committees. The appointments to standing committees of Council shall normally be made at the last Council meeting held in each academic year unless otherwise required due to change in faculty appointment and/or duties.
      3. Unless otherwise specified, meetings of standing committees of Council shall be held as often as required at the call of the chair of the committee, to conduct the business of the committee during each academic year.
      4. Unless otherwise specified, fifty percent plus one, of the voting members of any standing committee of Council shall constitute a quorum of the committee.
      5. All of the standing committees (except for the MPT Curriculum Content Advisory Committee) must report to Council at least once per year.
      6. Unless the chair of a standing committee is listed as being assigned to a specific individual or office, the chair shall be named by the Director of the School.
      7. At the discretion and call of the Chair, urgent issues arising between committee meetings may be decided by alternative means (such as a conference call or electronic ballot), subject to the participation of a quorum of members in any motions or decisions arising there from.
      8. Unless otherwise specified, ex officio members are entitled to vote and are counted in establishment of committee quorum.
    2. Minutes
      1. Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded and kept on file in the General Office.
      2. The minutes shall be available to all committee members.
      3. Any information deemed to be confidential in nature (i.e. individual health or personal issues) shall be handled and stored in a secure manner.
      4. Confidential information recorded during meetings shall be kept in the General Office files and location of this information referenced in the minutes.
  2. Urgent business between committee meetings

    At the discretion and call of the Chair, urgent issues arising between committee meetings may be decided by alternative means (such as a conference call or electronic ballot), subject to the participation of a quorum of members in any motions or decisions arising there from.

  1. Academic Affairs Committee


    1. To monitor issues related to student performance throughout their academic program and apply School of Rehabilitation Science, College of Graduate Studies and Research and University Council academic policies as appropriate.
    2. To regularly review academic policies and procedures and make minor changes as appropriate.
    3. To make recommendations to the School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council on major changes to academic policies and procedures.
    4. To appraise academic concerns and make recommendations to appropriate individuals, standing committees or Faculty Council.


    Director (Chair) (ex officio)
    Four full-time faculty members
    Academic Coordinator Clinical Education or Assistant Academic Coordinator Clinical Education (ex officio)
    Clinical Specialist Administrative Coordinator (ex officio)
    Up to two student representatives (appointed by PTSS)
    Academic Program Assistant (ex officio) (non-voting)
    Other individuals as appointed by Faculty Council

    Appointment/Term of Office:

    1. As defined in General Rules.
    2. The Director will act as Chair.


    1. To review academic matters brought forward by committees of the School, faculty supervisors, and members of faculty or students and determine appropriate actions.
    2. To apply academic policies and procedures as required.
    3. To monitor and make minor changes to academic policies and to forward recommendations on major changes in academic policies to School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council.
    4. To make recommendations to the Director concerning the School’s academic needs related to appointments of sessional, clinical and associate faculty positions.

      1. Student members will be full voting members in attendance for the regular meeting sessions. Students will not attend and will not be voting members for in-camera sessions.
      2. Definition and interpretation of minor and major changes will be consistent with those described in the current University of Saskatchewan Bylaws and Regulations.


    Meetings shall normally be held a minimum of three times per year.


    As per General Rules.


    1. Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded and kept on file in the General Office.
    2. The minutes shall be available to all committee members.
    3. Any information deemed to be confidential in nature (i.e. individual health or personal issues) shall be handled and stored in a secure manner.
    4. Confidential information recorded during meetings shall be kept in the General Office files and location of this information referenced in the minutes


    This Committee reports to School of Rehabilitation Science Council. The Director shall provide a report to School of Rehabilitation ScienceFaculty Council and College of Graduate Studies and Research as appropriate.

    20.1 Clinical Practice Courses Sub-committee


    1. To recommend to Academic Affairs Committee, the outcome of a clinical practice course, or clinical placement, when a physical therapy student does not meet expectations during a clinical placement or on a final clinical performance review in an MPT clinical practice course.
    2. To develop, recommend and review policies, guidelines and procedures related to Clinical Practice Courses PTH 850, 852, 854, 856, and 858 as well as the expectations of students in clinical practice courses in the MPT program.


    Academic Coordinator Clinical Education (ACCE) (Chair) (ex officio)
    Assistant Academic Coordinator Clinical Education (AACCE) (Saskatoon or Regina (ex-officio)
    One full-time faculty member
    Faculty Advisor (as relevant to specific student performance issues being considered)

    Appointment/Term of Office:

    1. As defined in General Rules.
    2. The Chair of the Committee will be the ACCE.


    1. To review clinical practice course performance of physical therapy students.
    2. To collect and review all pertinent information/related to clinical practice courses’ student performance issues under consideration. This may require review of written information and interviews.
    3. To make recommendations related to student performance and clinical course outcomes to the Academic Affairs Committee (including pass/fail decisions, remediation options, withdrawal, etc.).
    4. To review existing policies and procedures related to clinical courses and make recommendations regarding revisions under the direction and approval of the Executive Curriculum Committee and the Academic Affairs Committee.
    5. To develop new policies and procedures related to clinical courses as necessary under the direction and approval of the Executive Curriculum Committee and the Academic Affairs Committee.


    The Committee will meet a minimum of once per year, and in addition as required.


    As defined in General Rules.


    1. Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded and kept on file in the General Office.
    2. The minutes shall be available to all committee members.
    3. Any information deemed to be confidential in nature (i.e. individual health or personal issues) shall be handled and stored in a secure manner.
    4. Confidential information recorded during meetings shall be kept in the General Office files and location of this information is reference in the minutes.


    This Committee reports to School of Rehabilitation Science Academic Affairs Committee. The Chair of the Committee shall provide a report to School of Rehabilitation Science Academic Affairs Committee as required.

  1. Admissions Committee


    1. To formulate and review admission policies and procedures.
    2. To determine applicant admission scores and to forward a list of selected applicants for admission and necessary documentation to the College of Graduate Studies and Research for approval.


    • Two full-time faculty members.
    • One full-time or clinical faculty member
    • One student in the first year of MPT
    • One student in the second year of MPT
    • Academic Program Assistant (ex officio) (non-voting)

    Appointment/Term of Office:

    1. As per General Rules 18. Student members will be appointed by PTSS for a two year term (one student appointed in the first year of the program each year so that there is always one first year and one second year student on the committee).
    2. Student members will be full voting members in attendance for the regular meeting sessions. Students will not attend and will not be voting members for incamera sessions that involve discussion of individual applicants or the selection of applicants.


    1. To oversee the admissions process.
    2. To review admission requirements and forward recommendations for changes to admission requirements and/or processes to School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council for approval.
    3. To ensure documentation associated with the admissions process is current and accurate.
    4. To confer, as appropriate, with College of Graduate Studies and Research and School of Rehabilitation Science committees regarding admission issues.
    5. To evaluate applicants' academic records.
    6. To review special case access programs and makes recommendations to School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council regarding School of Rehabilitation Science policies for these programs.


    The Committee shall meet a minimum of three times per year or as required.


    As defined in 18 General Rules.


    1. Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded and kept on file in the General Office.
    2. The minutes shall be available to all committee members.
    3. Any information deemed to be confidential in nature (i.e. individual health or personal issues) shall be handled and stored in a secure manner.
    4. Confidential information recorded during meetings shall be kept in the General Office files and location of this information referenced in the minutes.


    This Committee reports to School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council. The Chair of the Committee shall provide a report to School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council twice a year.

  2. Awards Committee


    1. To select students, who have fulfilled the necessary requirements, for the University of Saskatchewan Physical Therapy Awards and Bursaries.
    2. To review the Awards Program.
    3. To work with the University and community to establish new awards or bursaries.


    • Administrative Coordinator (Chair) (ex officio)
    • One full-time faculty member
    • One clinical faculty member
    • Academic Coordinator Clinical Education (ex officio)
    • Clerical Assistant (ex officio) (non-voting)

    Appointment/Term of Office:

    1. As defined in 18. General Terms.
    2. The Chair will be the Administrative Coordinator or otherwise appointed by the Director


    1. To review clinical and academic standings of all University of Saskatchewan physical therapy students for the purposes of determining which students are eligible forSchool of Rehabilitation Science awards and bursaries.
    2. Based on the terms of reference of each Physical Therapy award, identify those students who have achieved the required criteria.
    3. Based on the terms of reference of each Physical Therapy bursary and the evaluation of financial need, as determined by the School of Rehabilitation Science Policy on Financial Need Assessment for Awards, identify those students who have achieved the required criteria.
    4. Report to the School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council the names of award and bursary recipients.
    5. Work with the Associate Dean and the Director of the School to develop new awards and bursaries to meet current and future needs.
    6. Assist in the development of new awards and bursaries and/or revision of established awards in consultation with the Associate Dean, Director, University Development office designate and others as required


    The Committee shall meet twice a year and otherwise as required.


    As defined in 18 General Rules.


    1. Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded and kept on file in the General Office.
    2. The minutes shall be available to all committee members.
    3. Any information deemed to be confidential in nature (i.e. individual health or personal issues) shall be handled and stored in a secure manner.
    4. Confidential information recorded during meetings shall be kept in the General Office files and location of this information referenced in the minutes.


    This Committee reports to School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council. The Chair of the Committee shall provide a report to School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council twice a year.

  3. Clinical Education Advisory Committee


    1. To provide a formal communication link between the School and the clinical facilities which participate in the clinical education component of the Master of Physical Therapy program.
    2. To make recommendations to the appropriate School committees and School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council regarding the clinical education component of the program.


    • Academic Coordinator Clinical Education (Chair) (ex-officio)
    • Assistant Academic Coordinators Clinical Education (ex officio)
    • Physical therapy directors/managers or designates of clinical facilities in the province of Saskatchewan who represent the different facilities/programs participating in the clinical education component of the program (ex officio)
    • Two student members appointed by the Physical Therapy Students Society (appointed by PTSS)

    Appointment/Term of Office:

    1. Members of the Committee hold their membership by virtue of their position except for student members who will be appointed by PTSS.
    2. The Chair will be the Academic Coordinator Clinical Education.
    3. Student members can be reappointed for successive one year terms.


    1. To facilitate communication between clinical facilities and the School on matters pertaining to the clinical education component of the program.
    2. To assist in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the clinical education component of the program.
    3. To identify needs and issues, and develop strategies to address them, related to the clinical education component of the program.
    4. To provide input to policy and planning activities of the clinical education program/courses.


    A minimum of two meetings will be held per year.


    A quorum consists of the presence of either the Academic Coordinator Clinical Education or one of the Assistant Academic Coordinators Clinical Education (Regina or Saskatoon) and five representatives from the clinical facilities.


    1. Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded and kept on file in the General Office.
    2. The minutes shall be available to all committee members.
    3. Any information deemed to be confidential in nature (i.e. individual health or personal issues) shall be handled and stored in a secure manner.
    4. Confidential information recorded during meetings shall be kept in the General Office files and location of this information referenced in the minutes.


    This Committee reports to School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council. The Chair of the Committee shall provide a report to School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council twice per year.

  4. Master Physical Therapy (MPT) Executive Curriculum Committee


    1. To monitor curriculum activities.
    2. To approve minor curricula changes.
    3. To provide ongoing direction and support to curriculum development and implementation.


    • Two full-time faculty members
    • Academic Coordinator Clinical Education or Assistant Academic Coordinator Clinical Education (ex officio)
    • PClinical Specialist - Administrative Coordinator (ex officio)
    • Curriculum consultant (ex officio)
    • Two student members – first and second year representatives (to be appointed by PTSS)

    Appointment/Term of Office:

    1. As defined 18. General rules.
    2. The Chair will normally be a full-time faculty member appointed by the Director.


    1. To provide information to the MPT Curriculum Content Advisory Committee and seek input on curriculum development.
    2. To oversee ongoing curriculum development and curriculum evaluation.
    3. To participate in core curriculum development at a national level
    4. To liaise with other committees in the University regarding curriculum issues including advancement of interprofessional curricula.
    5. To receive reports from the Curriculum sub-committees and act on recommendations as required.
    6. To provide curriculum information for various activities including accreditation and program planning.
    7. To monitor and approve changes in course objectives and approve minor changes in curricula.
    8. To make recommendations related to major changes in curriculum and forward to appropriate University, College of Graduate Studies and Research, and School committees for approval.
    9. To regularly review and approve membership of curriculum sub-committees and Advisory Committee.


    The MPT Executive Curriculum Committee shall meet at least twice a year and otherwise as needed.


    As per 18. General Rules.


    1. Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded and kept on file in the General Office.
    2. The minutes shall be available to all committee members.
    3. Any information deemed to be confidential in nature (i.e. individual health or personal issues) shall be handled and stored in a secure manner.
    4. Confidential information recorded during meetings shall be kept in the General Office files and location of this information referenced in the minutes.


    This Committee reports to School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council. The Chair of the Committee shall report to School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council twice per year.

    24.1. MPT Curriculum Content Advisory Committee


    1. To advise MPT Executive Curriculum Committee regarding current and new MPT courses.


    • One full-time or clinical faculty member (Chair)
    • At least three other members
    • (Experience, background knowledge, and credentials of the invited members will be representative of areas of practice related to course content and reflective of key course concepts relative to the specific subcommittee.)

    Appointment/Term of Office:

    1. The Chair will normally be a full-time or clinical faculty member.
    2. Committee members will be approved by the MPT Executive of Curriculum Committee. The MPT Executive of Curriculum Committee will regularly review the composition of the Committee.
    3. The term of office will be three years, and members can be re-appointed to additional terms.


    1. To advise and provide consultation for course content, as well as course emphases and delivery of content areas, within the realities of the MPT curriculum and module schedule.
    2. To review the course descriptions, outlines and objectives.
    3. To review the course description and objectives for any pre-requisite MPT courses.


    The MPT Curriculum Content Sub-committee will meet at least once a year. Meetings can occur in person or via telephone or electronic means. Additional meetings may be required as committee agenda demands.


    As per 18. General Rules.


    1. Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded and kept on file in the General Office.
    2. The minutes shall be available to all committee members.
    3. Any information deemed to be confidential in nature (i.e. individual health or personal issues) shall be handled and stored in a secure manner.
    4. Confidential information recorded during meetings shall be kept in the General Office files and location of this information referenced in the minutes.


    This Committee reports to School of Rehabilitation Science Executive Curriculum Committee. The Chair of this Committee will provide an annual report to School of Rehabilitation Science Executive Curriculum Committee. Other reports may be required related to recommendations for curricular content revision or as requested by the MPT Executive of Curriculum Committee.

    24.2. MPT Curriculum Advisory Committee


    To provide a broad consultative role in determining the impact of curriculum development and change on various stakeholders: public, clinical community, student body, faculty and other University departments.

    "Curriculum refers to the MPT educational program - the MPT courses including the associated objectives, content and the collective teaching, learning and evaluation of the MPT students throughout the entire program."


    • Full-time faculty
    • Director (ex officio)
    • Academic Coordinator Clinical Education (ex officio)
    • Assistant Academic Coordinator Clinical Education (ex officio)
    • Five clinical faculty
    • One public representative
    • Continuing Education in Rehabilitation Science Representative
    • Saskatchewan Physiotherapy Association Representative
    • Saskatchewan College Physical Therapists Representative
    • At least one representative from another Health Science discipline
    • Two recent graduates (in the last five years)
    • Six student representatives (appointed by PTSS)
    • Clinical Specialist - Administrative Coordinator (ex officio)
    • Other members may be invited as appropriate

    Appointment/Term of Office:

    1. Members hold their membership by virtue of their position or are appointed by MPT Executive Curriculum Committee or PTSS and can be reappointed.
    2. The Chair of the MPT Executive Curriculum Committee shall also chair MPT Curriculum Content Advisory Committee.


    1. To identify needs, problems and solutions related to the MPT curriculum.
    2. To review and provide feedback on curriculum-related documents, as required.


    The MPT Curriculum Content Advisory Committee shall meet once every five years and otherwise as needed


    As per 18. General Rules.


    1. Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded and kept on file in the General Office.
    2. The minutes shall be available to all committee members.
    3. Any information deemed to be confidential in nature (i.e. individual health or personal issues) shall be handled and stored in a secure manner.
    4. Confidential information recorded during meetings shall be kept in the General Office files and location of this information referenced in the minutes.


    This Committee reports to School of Rehabilitation Science Executive Curriculum Committee. The Chair of this Committee will provide an annual report to School of Rehabilitation Science Executive Curriculum Committee

  1. Program Planning and Resource Advisory Committee


    1. To advise the Dean, Associate Dean and/or Director of the School of Rehabilitation Science on issues related to:
      1. Communication, fund development, public engagement and student recruitment activities
      2. Resource requirements for development of new/revised academic programming.
      3. Resource allocation for special funds
      4. Planning and evaluation including accreditation and program review.


    • Associate Dean (Chair) (ex officio)
    • Director (ex officio)
    • One full-time faculty member
    • Clinical Specialist - Administrative Coordinator (ex officio)
    • Executive Assistant (ex officio) (non-voting)

    Appointment/Term of Office:

    As per 18. General Rules


    1. To work with School committees in developing recommendations for School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council related to program planning and priorities.
    2. To assist in determining priorities for funding of capital equipment, educational resources and allocation of special funds.
    3. To direct activities related to accreditation and program reviews.
    4. To assist in the development of internal and external program reports/documents.
    5. To provide input to national and international academic and professional activities relevant to the mission of the School.
    6. To ensure program outcome measures/tools are reviewed regularly and integrated into program planning as appropriate.
    7. To provide direction/input to advance new initiatives in the School of PT and monitor outcomes of special/new initiatives such as education equity.
    8. To provide direction/input to enhance activities related to communication, fund development, and recruitment of students in the School.
    9. To annually review theSchool of Rehabilitation Science Bylaws and forward recommendations for revision to School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council.


    The Program Planning and Resource Advisory Committee will meet as required.


    As per 18. General Rules.


    1. Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded and kept on file in the General Office.
    2. The minutes shall be available to all committee members.
    3. Any information deemed to be confidential in nature (i.e. individual health or personal issues) shall be handled and stored in a secure manner.
    4. Confidential information recorded during meetings shall be kept in the General Office files and location of this information referenced in the minutes.


    This Committee reports to School of Rehabilitation Science Council. The Chair of the Committee shall provide a report to School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council twice per year.

  1. Research Committee


  1. Serve in the best interest of the School of Rehabilitation Science and the College of Medicine
  2. Advocate for research of relevance to rehabilitation science
  3. Showcase and share research accomplishments of the School


Associate Dean of the School of Rehabilitation Science or Director Physical Therapy (Chair) (ex officio)
Three full-time faculty members
One Physical Therapy clinical faculty member
One Speech Language Pathology representative
One Occupational Therapy representative
One student from the Health Science Graduate Program and/or one Post-Doctoral Fellow
Research Facilitator (ex officio) (non-voting)
Research Coordinator (ex officio) (non-voting)

Appointment/Term of Office:

As per 18. General Rules


  1. To lead development of policies and promote strategies that facilitate and advance faculty and student research.
  2. To facilitate networks and/or clusters of researchers to explore and advance research priority areas established provincially, nationally and by the School, College of Medicine and/or University of Saskatchewan.
  3. To engage with rehabilitation clinicians and align research interests, where possible.
  4. To recommend strategies and mechanisms to disseminate research-related information.
  5. To identify and participate in opportunities, in collaboration with CPTE and others in the university and rehabilitation professions, to support translation of research to clinicians and to the broader community.
  6. To support mechanisms for internal review of grant applications prepared by School faculty.
  7. To assist in the development of internal and external research reports and documents.
  8. To facilitate strategies for advancing graduate programming within the School, excluding MPT


The Committee shall meet a minimum of every two (2) months and otherwise as required.


As per 18. General Rules


  1. Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded and kept on file in the General Office.
  2. The minutes shall be available to all committee members.
  3. Any information deemed to be confidential in nature (i.e. individual health or personal issues) shall be handled and stored in a secure manner.
  4. Confidential information recorded during meetings shall be kept in the General Office files and location of this information referenced in the minutes.


This Committee reports to the School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council. The Chair of the Committee shall provide a report to School of Rehabilitation Science Faculty Council twice a year.