College of Medicine

Research Area(s)

  • Molecular Imaging
  • Radiopharmaceuticals


Dr. Fonge is a Radiopharmacist at the Saskatoon Health Region and an Assistant Professor of Medical Imaging at the College of MJedicine, University of Saskatchewan. He received a PhD in Radiopharmacy from KU Leuven, Belgium and completed post-doctoral fellowship in Molecular Imaging and Radiopharmaceuticals at the University of Toronto. At the University of Toronto he also completed a Master of Business Administration (MBA) with focus on Strategic Management and Commercialization of Innovations.  He is a member of the Society of Nuclear Medicine Molecular Imaging (SNMMI), American College of Nuclear Medicine and Association of Canadian Society of Radiopharmaceutical Scientists. Dr. Fonge has an active role in Nuclear Medicine teaching and research. He is an author of many scientific publications and is the principal investigator and/or co-investigator of research grants in excess of $5 million over the last few years. Dr. Fonge’s research expertise is in the area of precision diagnostics and therapeutics using different antibody platforms and radionuclides.