The Department of Academic Family Medicine faculty are integral participants in all stages of medical education. Some of our faculty have major Undergraduate teaching roles and are involved in putting more generalist content and comprehensive Family Medicine into the MD education curriculum as outlined in The Future of Medical Education in Canada (FMEC): A Collective Vision for MD Education. Enrollment in the College of Medicine at the U of S is currently 100 students per year.

The DAFM is engaged in distributed activities beyond the walls of our university institutions. Our Distributed Medical Education (DME) program encompasses a broad definition of activities in undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical education. Learners and community teachers are located throughout Saskatchewan.

The Department of Family Medicine is highly dedicated to the education of undergraduate medical students. Our involvement spans all phases of the undergraduate curriculum as well as serving in an advisory role to the Family Medicine Club.

Check our new Family Medicine Major Map to see all of the ways that family medicine intersects with your undergraduate education. 

Arranging Electives

Requests for electives in Family Medicine are welcomed and accomodated as best as possible. The earlier your request is made, the more likely it is to be successful. A minimum of 6 weeks advance notice is required for electives.

Elective applications are all submitted through the AFMC portal and are forwarded to the Rotation Administrators for placement and approval.  Rotation Administrators are:

Saskatoon Site:
Tracy Lewis  
Phone: (306) 655-4211  
Fax: (306) 655-4895 

Regina Site:
Jeanette Bellavance 
Phone: (306) 766-0449 
Fax: (306) 766-7135 

Prince Albert Site:
Nicole Toutant  
Phone: (306) 765-6787 

Medical students are advised to not prearrange electives with community preceptors (either rural or urban). All electives must be submitted and processed through the AFMC portal in order to be approved. 

Within the Department, you may request placement at one of several locations:

Students that may have any questions regarding the application process for electives through the AFMC portal, please contact Shari Smith at OR (306) 966-4270.

Launch FM

Launch FM is an event hosted by USask Family Med that gives first year medical students the opportunity to experience a variety of skills and hear from family doctors about what a career in family medicine might look like.

In the past students have had the opportunity to try their hand at suturing, learn a number of women's health procedures - including IUD insertion and Pap smears, and Naloxone training.

The event is sponsored by the SMA and the Saskatchewan College of Family Physicians.

Family Medicine Club

The Family Medicine Club aims to educate the medical student body about family medicine through events such as lunch talks, enhanced skills (plus-one) panels, skills nights, community outreach events, family medicine resident meet and greets, and more! We also participate in a national Family Medicine Interest Group Week where we plan various events for our college to promote family medicine. The Family Medicine Club also works with various committees, including the Undergraduate Educational Committee to provide a student voice about how family medicine education is portrayed and delivered in the curriculum. If you are interested in learning more about family medicine, making connections with amazing family doctors, and being involved in planning events for your classmates, consider joining the Family Medicine Club! 

Executive members:

Co-Presidents Lan He
Treasurer TBD

For inquiries regarding Family Medicine Club membership or events, please contact us via email or on Facebook


For more information about scheduling electives or to learn more about specializing in family medicine please contact:

Tracy Lewis  
: (306) 655-4211  
Jeanette Bellavance 
: (306) 766-0449 
Nicole Toutant  
: (306) 765-6787 

Canadian and International Electives Coordinator
: Shari Smith
: 306-966-4270