Undergraduate Medical Education Teaching Resources

Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) in Clerkship

Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) are responsibilities that learners should be entrusted to do without direct supervision by the time they enter residency. Instructors and learners are asked to document observations of these activities through the custom developed UGME EPA app.

Visit the USask UGME EPA website for the most up-to-date resources and information about UGME EPAs and the UGME EPA app.

UGME Faculty Teaching Resources Toolbox

The UGME Faculty Teaching Resources Toolbox is a user-focused hub, providing both technical and pedagogical resources to help faculty make the most of teaching remotely. Whether teaching live sessions in Webex or pre-recording sessions in Panopto, this course will help guide you through the software and techniques you can use to provide a great learning experience for your students. 

Access the toolbox (NSID/password required).