


Health training in French (HTiF) / Formation Santé en français (FSeF) is an initiative of the department of Community Health & Epidemiology that aims to encourage and facilitate the use of French by health science students who want to improve their French language skills and seek opportunities to train in French.  The initiative is directed by the HTiF Committee, which works in collaboration with provincial and national organizations, such as the Réseau Santé en Français de la Saskatchewan (RSFS) and the Institut Français to promote health training in French and enhance access to health services in French.

Members of HTiF include health care professionals (mentors) and health science students. Membership is free. Members are provided a number of opportunities, including networking meetings in French, continuing education in French,  placement in francophone clinical electives, engagement and interaction with the francophone community, etc.

For more information please contact Dr. Anne Leis, Department Head, Community Health & Epidemiology (  306-966-7878