Unit Lead: Brent Thoma
Unit Supervisors: Krista Trinder & Anurag Saxena
This unit focuses on competencies the Clinician Educator (CE) will need in order to plan and undertake education scholarship. Education scholarship encompasses:
A line of inquiry, new perspective, innovation, or new application in education that is:
- based on theoretical frameworks, current evidence, or best practice
- publicly disseminated for peer review
- archived for future reference, so it can subsequently developed
Education scholarship can include education research (e.g., discovery) as well as the integration, application, and translation of education concepts and innovations.
Prerequisites: Foundations Unit
Depending on the project the candidate may also be required to complete other units.
Competencies Addressed in this Unit
A CE must be able to:
- Develop and describe his or her personal leadership philosophy
- Lead a team toward the completion of an education project
Key Documents
- Official Royal College Requirements for the Scholarship Unit
- Check-in and check-out forms
- Final Unit Report (to be completed by Unit Supervisor)
- Scholarship Task List
- Reading List (see below)
1. Define education scholarship, by
- describing the range of activities that could be included under the umbrella of education scholarship
- applying Glassick’s six standards for evaluating scholarly work
2. Design, plan, and execute a scholarly project in medical education, by
- defining a research question and/or project purpose
- conducting a literature search and identifying the theoretical foundation(s) and conceptual framework(s) that inform the question, innovation, program, or curriculum
- writing a protocol, i.e., describing a study and/or project design, including methodology or a framework to guide decision-making during the course of the project
- identifying resources, including collaborators, mentors, and funding opportunities
- completing the planned project
- disseminating the findings of the research
3. Describe the ethics approval process by
- outlining the key requirements for ethics approval from a relevant institutional ethics review committee or board
- Please refer to the Task List for the Educational Scholarship Unit for a complete listing of the summative and formative assessments required for this unit
- Final Unit Report (to be filled by unit supervisor)
Reading Lists
- Fincher RE, Work JA. Perspectives on the scholarship of teaching. Med Educ.2006;40(4):293–5.
- Beckman TJ, Cook DA. Developing scholarly projects in education: a primer for medical teachers. Med Teach. 2007;29(2–3):210–8.
- Simpson D, Fincher RM, Hafler JP, Irby DM, Richards BF, Rosenfeld GC, Viggiano TR. Advancing educators and education by defining the components and evidence associated with educational scholarship. Medical education. 2007 Oct;41(10):1002-9.
- Beattie DS. Expanding the view of scholarship: introduction. Academic Medicine. 2000 Sep 1;75(9):871-6.
- Bordage G. Conceptual frameworks to illuminate and magnify. Medical education. 2009 Apr;43(4):312-9.
- Harvey BJ, Lang ES, Frank JR, editors. The research guide: a primer for residents, other health care trainees, and practitioners. Ottawa: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada; 2011. (borrow from the USask Faculty Development Library by contacting
(Note: The optional articles relate to particular types of research or scholarship and should definitely be read if they are consistent with the work that the learner is doing.)
- Writer’s Guide Series (Read those that are relevant to your type of research):
- Murnaghan, A., Weersink, K., Thoma, B., Hall, A. K., & Chan, T. (2018). The writer’s guide to education scholarship in emergency medicine: systematic reviews and the scholarship of integration (part 4). Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 20(4), 626-633.
- Chan, T. M., Ting, D. K., Hall, A. K., Murnaghan, A., Thoma, B., McEwen, J., & Yarris, L. M. (2018). A writer’s guide to education scholarship: qualitative education scholarship (part 2). Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 20(2), 284-292.
- Hall, A. K., Hagel, C., Chan, T. M., Thoma, B., Murnaghan, A., & Bhanji, F. (2018). The writer’s guide to education scholarship in emergency medicine: education innovations (part 3). Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 20(3), 463-470.
- Murnaghan, A., Weersink, K., Thoma, B., Hall, A. K., & Chan, T. (2018). The writer’s guide to education scholarship in emergency medicine: systematic reviews and the scholarship of integration (part 4). Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 20(4), 626-633.
- Creswell JW. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage;2009.
- Norman GR, Eva KW. Quantitative methods. ASME Monograph. Edinburgh (UK): Association for the Study of Medical Education; 2008.
- Barbour RS. Making sense of focus groups. Med Educ.2005;39(7):743–50.
- Kanter SL. Toward better descriptions of innovations. Acad Med.2008;83(8):703–4.
- 'Writing in the Sciences' course offered by Stanford

You can also check-out hard copies of resources the USask Faculty Development Library has available. Visit them here. For more information or to request a book, please contact
Medical Education Grant & Conference Abstract Deadlines
CAME Wooster Family Grant in Medical Education
This grant supports new and innovative projects in medical education that are not part of a funded education research program. Applicants must be clinical faculty members in a Canadian faculty of health sciences/medicine (or equivalent) and be members of CAME.
Submission: Letter of intent in August; Full proposal in October
Medical Council of Canada (MCC) Research in Clinical Assessment Grant
This grant supports innovations in the assessment of clinical competence or performance of students, postgraduate trainees, or practitioners. Priority is given to proposals that show promise in contributing to the knowledge and understanding of measurement in clinical assessment and to clinical program evaluation methods for medical education. The proposal must focus on research, not development, in the assessment of performance or clinical assessment.
Submission: February
Royal College Medical Education Grant
This grant supports Canadian research that will advance the field of postgraduate medical education or continuing professional development. Applicants must be involved in teaching or medical education research in Canada. It is not necessary to be a Fellow of the Royal College or a physician; however, a Fellow of the Royal College must contribute to the research project.
Submission: March
Royal College Robert Maudsley Fellowship for Studies in Medical Education
This fellowship supports training in the science of medical education (e.g. the pursuit of a Master’s or PhD in Medical Education) to selected candidates, Residents and Fellows are eligible to receive $40,000 per year of study up to 2 years.
Submission Deadline: September
Royal College Karen Mann Catalyst Grant
This grant provides up to $30,000 for one junior investigator and an identified mentor for one and two-year projects.
Submission: September
CGEA Mini-Grant Proposals - Advancing the CGEA as a Community of Educational Scholars
This grant promotes scholarship in medical education and advancing the community of scholarship within the Central region. Applicants must be from CGEA member schools/programs.
Submission: September
Royal College Strategic Initiative Grant
These grants support medical education and health systems-focused research that advances the fields of residency education, continuing professional development and other health system-related areas of focus in Canada (e.g. health workforce planning).
Submission: September
Tri-Council of Canada Funding
The Tri-Council of Canada consists of three major funding agencies: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Social Sciences and Humanities Rsearch Council of Canada (SSHRC), and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) that oversee multiple grant programs.Ilene B. Harris Legacy Research Fund
The goal of the Ilene B. Harris Legacy Research Fund is to further the mission of the UIC Department of Medical education by supporting health professions education research projects that address important problems or questions in health professions in ways that advance innovation and/or methodological approaches. Proposals from international scholars and institutions are welcome.
Submission: Letter of intent in October
Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME) – Phil R. Manning Research Award
This grant is to support original, scientific research related to physician and/or health professional lifelong learning. Recipients must be members of SACME.
Submission: September
Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME) – Research Idea Grant
Up to two grants will be awarded for research projects related to fostering behaviour change through inter-professional and team-based education. The principal investigator must be a SACME member.
Submission: January
This organization is largely US-based but has some grants are open to Canadian applicants. The Foundation is committed to supporting high-quality investigation of education through its research programs and to strengthening and renewing the educational research community through its fellowship and training programs and related activities.
Submission: View their website for more information.
Stemmler Medical Education Research Fund
This opportunity provides support for research or development of innovative assessment approaches that will enhance the evaluation of those preparing to, or continuing to, practice medicine.
Conference |
Abstracts Due Roughly |
Usual Conference Timing |
Council of Residency Directors of Emergency Medicine Academic Assembly (CORDAA) |
Early Nov |
April |
The Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) |
Early Feb |
Late August |
The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) |
Mid October |
Late February |
The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) |
June |
Mid Nov |
Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians* (education track) |
Mid December |
Early June |
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine* (education track) |
Early January |
May |
Royal College Simulation Summit (Sim Summit)* |
Late September |
Late February |
International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM) |
September |
April |