
Gwenna Moss

The Gwenna Moss Teaching and Learning Centre has many resources to help with teaching. Visit their website to learn about their programs.

The Gwenna Moss Centre is committed to supporting and improving teaching and learning at the University of Saskatchewan.  They have a variety of courses, workshops and events to help faculty, instructors and grad students.  View their list of courses and workshops.


Faculty Development Library

Easily check out the hard copies of the resources we have available in Faculty Development! We have a FD “Library” which you can now scan online to see if we have titles of books or medical education articles you might be interested in. These are available for borrowing by contacting:

We are happy for these resources to be used by individuals in the College of Medicine or other Health Professions, anyone participating in our FD programming, as well as to have them go out to distributed teaching sites in SK.   Go to  If there are great titles related to medical education that you think we should have, let us know.  We welcome your suggestions.


Health Sciences Library

The USask Health Sciences Library also has resources on faculty development, especially on areas relating to teaching.  Search the library catalogue for a specific title, or go to and contact the librarian listed as the Subject Guide for help finding books on a particular topic.

USask Library

New Library Resources

University of Saskatchewan Library Resources & Services for College of Medicine Faculty


Other External Resources