2024 Miles for Smiles Logi

Race Information

Event Information

Where? Rotary Park, Saskatoon, SK (virtual option available)
When? Saturday, September 14th, 2024
Start Time? 8:30 am, but runners are encouraged to arrive prior to 8:30 and to check in and warm up.
Race options? 2.5 km walk/run, 5 km run, or 10 km run


The event is hosted by the Student Medical Society of Saskatchewan (SMSS) and all funds raised will go directly to Food Banks of Saskatchewan.

Information for Racers

The 21st annual Miles for Smiles will take place on Saturday, September 14th, 2024. The event will be held in Rotary Park with 2.5km, 5km and 10km races. There will also be an option to run a race virtually from wherever you are.

  • All runners are advised to come earlier than 8:30 am and take advantage of warm-up sessions that are being offered.
  • If you are feeling unwell, please take care of yourself and others by staying home. 
  • There will be volunteers present at various locations throughout the course. If you are in need of assistance, please do not hesitate to flag down a volunteer.
  • Participants running with their dogs must have the dog leashed at all times. Dog owners are responsible for your pet on race day. 
  • Participants less than 18 years of age are requested to follow all safety precautions while participating in the event. Please be aware of the road markings and speak to a volunteer, when in doubt. 
  • If you are in a team or group, please be considerate of the people behind you who may be trying to pass your team.
  • If you are attempting to pass a slower participant, please call out “passing on your left/right”.
  • All participants are expected to follow the directions of the volunteers, race officials and/or public authorities. Road marshals will be wearing safety vests and will direct you where necessary.
  • Wheelchairs being pushed and people with strollers must line up at the back of the pack. The order of participants shall be:
Start Line Runners

Assisted Wheelchair

Runners with dogs Walkers Strollers, Wheelchairs being pushed
  • Be sure to have fun!
  • Please thank the volunteers along the route.
  • We will have photographers at the finish line and at various sites along the path. If you notice a photographer, smile as you pass them.


Parking Options:

  • There is a parking lot adjacent to Rotary Park.
  • Car-pooling is encouraged as there is limited spots available.



In order to guarantee a participant t-shirt for race day, please register by AUGUST 23rd, 2024 at 11:59pm.
All registration closes: SEPTEMBER 13th, 2024 



2.5 km (Regina)


5 km (Regina)


10 km (Regina)


Registration provides:

  • Race numbers on bibs, and a shirt for each participant
  • Race package, including information sheet and promotional materials
  • Donation to Food Banks of Saskatchewan
  • T-shirts if registered by August 23rd, 2024 at 11:59pm
  • Chance for individual participants win prizes

How to register:

Online through Race Roster


All participants are encouraged to pledge for Miles for Smiles! This includes runners, volunteers, and any supporters. 

Pledges/Donations can be done by following these steps:

  1. Download and print the pledge form below.
  2. Fill out the form and collect pledges from friends and family.
  3. Pledge forms and amounts can be submitted on the day of the event through contact-less drop off. 

Thanks to all the pledgers and pledgees!

Race Package Pickup

Information for race package pick-up:

Date: Friday, September 13th, 2024

Time: 12:30 - 2:00 PM

Location: Health Sciences Student Lounge - Upper Level

If you are unable to pick up your race package at this time, packages can be picked up at the check-in table on the morning of the race.