Greg Malin BSc, MD, PhD, MEd
Unit Lead, Foundations & Unit Supervisor, Scholarship
Dr. Greg Malin is an Assistant Professor and the Director, Academic Program for the College of Medicine undergraduate medical education program. He has completed his MD, MEd, and his PhD in Medical Education at the University of Saskatchewan. He is a medical educator in the Department of Family Medicine. His program of research relates to motivational science using self-determination theory, exploring the teacher actions and curricular structures that support or hinder medical student motivation. He teaches anatomy, embryology, self-directed learning and reflection, and qualitative research methods to medical students. Prior to his appointment as Academic Director, he served as the Year One Chair for the undergraduate medical program. He is engaged in faculty development, providing workshops on writing multiple choice questions, flipping the classroom, setting the motivational context for learning, and using improvisation to support teaching. He has recently developed a peer observation and mentorship program for teachers in medicine to support faculty to get feedback on their teaching. He is received several awards for his teaching.